Listening to Learn ~Lynn Navares

By January 21, 2015Main Blog
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During my dressage lesson today my trainer was giving me instruction on what she wanted me to do. Instead of waiting to hear all she had to say I started the movement too early and got it wrong. I was not listening to learn.

How often do we have conversations with friends, coworkers, family members, or strangers and instead of listening to learn we are thinking about how we are going to respond?

blog 2015 01 21As we go through life we have the opportunity to come across many different people. How many of these people could teach us something about life, love, or even about ourselves if only we took the time to listen to learn? “Most people do not listen with the intent to understand; they listen with the intent to reply.” – Stephen R. Covey

A few years ago while going through some personal challenges I was commiserating with a friend. It was all about me and I was probably sounding like a broken record. Out of the blue she softly said; “have you ever considered going back to school?” This stopped me in my tracks, it was like being hit over the head with a brick. All of a sudden I couldn’t think of anything else except how I could get enrolled in school. My life took on a new purpose and I became energized with this new endeavor. As I look back now I am grateful that I was  able to listen to learn. Those simple words started me on a path that would change my life forever.

We live in a hectic world today, we are all about multitasking and instant gratification. It’s time to begin slowing down, to start listening to those around us and it’s time to start listening to ourselves.

What is it that you want in life? What goals do you want to set and achieve? What adventures do you want to have? What kind of people do you want to meet? How do you want to serve others? Are you ready to take the time to reflect on these and other questions in your life?

Take the time today to really listen to those that you have interaction with, they could help answer some of the questions you have about your life. And remember to always listen to you.

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