Why I love what I do

Life Vision has taught me that I can indeed create my own life. I came to a Life Vision workshop at Ann Webb’s home feeling like I would never figure out how to “fix” my life or my business. The first thing I realized as we broke off into our writing times, was that I was being given a space and being asked to think about what I wanted, not what everybody else wanted me to do for them. It seems simple, but until that point and moment in time, I hadn’t realized I had been operating that way. Now I’m the center of my own life, filling my cup first so I am able to love and serve everyone I meet.

A little bit about me

Heather Rangel has been a business owner of a fitness franchise for over 10 years. She has coached thousands of women through their weight loss and fitness goals. She has supported and witnessed her clients achieving both success and failures along the way. Heather has learned how to ensure success for her clients by tackling the underlying belief systems holding us back. She is the founder of My Greatful Life, where women are taught how to use curiosity, compassion, gratitude, and the power of choice to live a full and great life. Text or Call Heather at 801-913-1876, e-mail greatfulheather@gmail.com

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