Ideal LifeVision Program

Welcome to the Ideal LifeVision Program.

  • Materials Tab:  The complete Ideal LifeVision Manual and Program
  • Recording Tab:  How to record on your PC or Apple computer (Music section)
  • Experts Tab:  Board of Experts and links to our Weekly Expert Calls
  • Sample LifeVision Tab:  Hundreds of LifeVisions for you to look at
  • Forum Tab:  Go here to connect with other LifeVisioners and ask specific questions
  • Coaching Tab:  Find out more about individual coaching (including line-by-line feedback of your entire LV)

Click on “Fullscreen” for Optimal Viewing

**If you have an Apple Mac computer, please scroll down to find out how to record your LifeVision on Garage Band (A software program that is on all Mac Computers)

The Vision Guider Recording System*

*Use if you have a PC

Included in your package is the Vision Guider software. With the Vision Guider, you can quickly and easily create your own personalized recorded LifeVision complete with background music.
When asked for a Coupon Code, please use: VGM777
If you have any problems with the installation or the Vision Guider program, please go to for technical support.

To watch a 4 minute Demo click below

*We use a 3rd party for our recording system.  That is why it has to go through a shopping cart.  You will NOT be charged, but Ideal LifeVision will be charged $44.95 for it (retail value $89).  You will be receiving an email from them as your “receipt of purchase”.

**Please remember that this entire program is a PAID program. Sharing it with friends is ILLEGAL and punishable by law. This is monitored daily.  So please don’t share any part of this program with others. Just refer them so they can create their own LifeVision. (and don’t forget to sign up as an affiliate so you can receive a commission! )

Recording with Garage Band (for Mac/Apple users)

  1. Open Garage Band (in iLife)
  2. Click on top option ~ Create New Music Project
  3. Name your first project/section.  Example:  Ann’s spiritual1/09
  4. Delete Keyboard with Red X
  5. Go to toolbar (top of screen, left side) and click on “Track”
  6. Delete “Grand Piano” track and then add on “New Track”
  7. A drop down menu will appear and click on “Real Instrument Track” (click “create”)
  8. Click on “Control” and unclick “metronome” on the top


    1. On the bottom of the program there is a RED DOT.  That is the recording button.
    2. Have your printed LifeVision nearby so you can read it, and when prepared, click on the Red Dot.
    3. When you’re finished: first click on RED DOT again, then on the Single Arrow in the middle to stop moving the program forward.
    4. To add the music Add another track (Click Track on the top toolbar and then click on NEW TRACK) Again hit Real Instrument Track.
  1. Hit arrow on the far left (next to RED DOT) to take you back to the beginning of recording.
  2. Open iTunes and find the song that is roughly the same length as your recording.
  3. Drag the song from iTunes into the new Track and move it (by clicking on it )and dragging it to the far left of the track.
  4. Adjust the VOLUME buttons on each of the 2 tracks (increase voice and decrease music…PLAY to hear adjustments)
  5. When you have it the way you like it, Click on SHARE (on top toolbar) and select “Send Song to iTunes”.  Hit “Share”
  6. It will show up in your iTunes!
  7. Make playlist and drag into.
  8. Repeat for rest of Life Sections:  Physical, Professional etc.


Click on the following links to download your music:

Bach Adagio Violin Concerto

Bach Air on a G String

Bach Sheep May Safely Graze

Boccherini Duet for 2 Violins

Handel Largo from Xerxes

Handel Organ Concerto

Vivaldi Allegro Concerto For Flute

Vivaldi Seasons Autumn Adagio

Music for the Mozart Effect:  $15.95 for CD or $9.99 for download (9 songs) Click here

BEST DEAL: iTunes:  Mozart Effect for Kids:  $5.99 for album or $.99 per song (29 songs) Search Title in iTunes Store

Steven Halpern – Music for Accelerated Learning: Click here for download or CD


Songs from the Vision Guider:

Bach – Sheep may Safely

Bach – Air on G String

Pachelbel Cannon in D

Handel Minuet BereniceHandel Harp Concerto 6-2

Handel Harp Concert 6-3

Handel Water Music Air 1

Handel Water Music Sarabande

Handel Water Music Minuet

Vivaldi – Autumn

Vivaldi – Spring

Handel Organ Concerto  (lst one)

Please click here

*Please be willing to share your LifeVision with others.  Select your favorite paragraphs and send to:  Thanks!

Go here to connect with other people who are creating their LifeVision as well as certified Ideal LifeVision coaches.  Feel free to introduce yourself , ask your questions, share your insights, and celebrate your successes.  Link to Circle of Visionaries
