The Three Key Characters in a Fairy Tale Life ~Janae Adamson

By April 9, 2015Main Blog
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Fairy tales are more than true; not because they tell us that dragons exist, but because they tell us that dragons can be beaten. -G. K. Chesterson

I believe in fairy tales. In fact, I live a fairy tale. I wake up every morning excited to live my purpose and share my gifts. My reach and my message is expanding all over the country and now even internationally. My connection to God and the peace and the faith I am experiencing has been deep and fulfilling and inspiring. People are showing up in my life, information is coming to me and I am feeling directed and inspired on a daily basis.  Most recently, a very exciting new possibility showed up in my life in the form of a relationship with a man who seems to have stepped right out of my ideal life Vision. The day we met he sang to me and touched a place in my heart and soul that no man ever has. The following weeks he has continued to show up again and again with all of the qualities I had outlined in my Ideal Life Vision. We dance together, we sing together, he plays the guitar and we talk and connect about all the things that are most important… And the thing that most inspires me is that when he holds me I feel peace. I am so grateful. I am so incredibly blessed. Fairy tales truly can come true!

But this fairy tale wouldn’t be complete without introducing you to the entire cast. And the amazing thing is that the cast in my story really is no different from the cast in any fairy tale story including yours. There are three main cast members in all of our fairy tales who are absolutely necessary to truly cre

  1. Of course the first and most important character in any fairy tale is the hero or heroine– the star!  I am the heroine and star of my story, just as YOU are the star in yours. As with any true hero, clarity commitment and confidence are most vital to create a happily ever after. We get to be clear about who we are and what our purpose is. We get to have complete commitment to that purpose and to creating our possibility and out of that clarity and commitment we can find the kind of confidence that attracts results! (See my previous article here with more about clarity commitment and confidence).
  1. As soon as I made the commitment to be the heroine of my fairy tale, as if on cue the other players appeared to support me to get to my destiny. As soon as you make a commitment, your brain tries to protect you from harm by bringing up all of the ways you have failed in the past, showing you the dangers that lie ahead if you press forward, and basically dredging up everything that is between you and your destination… the difficulty here is that usually what is between you and your greatest potential is your greatest challenge, your own personal ‘Dragon.’

This is a universal pattern. My fairy tale definitely came complete with a dragon; A huge, terrifying, paralyzing, crap-your-pants DRAGON. I have never felt more vulnerable or scared as I have while pursuing my fairy tale. I have felt pain and doubt, I have had panic attacks and sleepless nights.

But doesn’t being scared let you know you’re on to something important? Something that is so much a part of you that you feel it down in your soul? If your dragon is up, if you are feeling scared, or even if you are feeling ambivalent because you have let the fear take over, you know it is because you are -or have been- on the right track. I want to interject a quote here, “If you feel you are going through hell, keep going!” Don’t stop and hang out with your dragon-  feeding it with all of your attention and focus–It could keep you stuck for the rest of your life!

  1. Now don’t get discouraged. Because all of the characters haven’t yet been introduced. In every fairy tale there is always some supporting cast member who teaches and encourages the hero on their journey to overcome the dragon. No hero in their story defeats the dragon without help. They have a sidekick, teacher, wizard, coach or other supernatural support. Every successful hero has a support system. The questions is, who is on your team?

Remember, YOU are the hero here, YOU make the choice. Life’s gift is our power and potential to choose. When that resistance comes up, when your dragon is rearing it’s ugly head with all of the fear and pain, you have the opportunity to choose, either to continue to feel the pain and regret of not filling your potential, or to seek out support, face your dragon and succeed. You have all the power here. Will YOU be victorious?

If you are ready to create additional support for yourself in creating your fairy tale life. I have a special gift for you here.

Shining a light and believing in you,


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