Ideal LifeVision Certification gives you
Getting crystal clear on their action plan and vision
Seeing both the Big Vision and the Daily Details
Getting more out of your coaching and actually implementing it
Figuring out how to balance their business and personal life
Getting in the driver’s seat and taking control of their life
Changing the neural pathways in their brains leading to a better mindset, more action and achieving results

Starting with yourself, “Be the Change” by finding your full potential and helping others do the same. Step into the best version of yourself.
With the Ideal LifeVision Certification Program you get:
Six content-rich trainings that transform your coaching practice
Marketing Training and support to help you attract Ideal LifeVision Clients
Ability to use the “Creating Your Ideal LifeVision” online program with your clients
Forms, logos, templates and scripts – everything you need to get up and running quickly
Imagine earning money by following your passion!
Train workshops online or in person
Work one-on-one with individual clients who want to experience transformation when they create their Ideal LifeVision
Coach clients worldwide using technology and the Ideal LifeVision system
Host Re-Vision retreats for those who need to revise their LifeVisions
Hold VIP days and/or platinum programs for clients who want your expertise to help them reach their goals using their own Ideal LifeVision
Yes, you can make money as you create value for others…
But this Movement is about changing YOUR life and the lives of others.
Join the Movement!
Let’s Change the World
Ideal LifeVision Certified Coach Home Study Course
*We have made some changes in the price & licensing options. Please email Heather to discuss.